ServiceView can take monitoring results from other systems or perform monitoring directly itself.
There are several built in tests ranging from PING, FTP to website availability testing.
Some of the more interesting forms of built in monitoring are done using PhantomJS and CasperJS. These technologies are service side browsers, which can take a script as input to simulate actual browser usage, recording each step by taking screenshots.
A chrome plugin in available which will record the keyboard and mouse allowing test scripts to be easily generated.
Monitoing results are recorded historically and include response time as well as success or failure.
In the event of a failure engineers can be alerted via email or SMS. Screenshots of the error are included in the emails helping in troubleshooting.
By using ServiceView for monitoring and for service status reporting the monitoring technology knows when there is planned outages and will not alert engineers.
Service uptime is reporting including total uptime and uptime not including planned outages.
ServiceView is able to monitor services by using a PhantomJS browser plugin. This works for web based systems, such as blackboard where you are required to log in.
A chrome extension is available to make the task of creating CasperJS test scripts easily by recording the keyboard and mouse and exporting the corresponding CasperJS script which can be cut and pasted into ServiceView monitoring. ServiceView will then run the script, at user set times and intervals, and document any incidents and import the data back into ServiceView where you can view various reports on the service.