Users can be imported into ServiceView using the following API:
<data> | JSON encoded data containing the users to import |
<secret> | The value of the SECRET option set in the options setup section. |
JSON array containing the following fields:
UsersProcessed | Number of users processed |
UsersAdded | Number of new users added |
UsersChanged | Number of existing users modified |
ErrorCount | Number of errors encountered |
ErrorMsgs | Errors encounted |
WarningMsgs | Warning messages |
Digest | Log of activity |
The HTTP request can either be sent using a HTTP GET or POST request.
Users can be exported from ServiceView using the following API:
<xml> | Set to 1 to export in XML, otherwise JSON is returned |
<secret> | The value of the SECRET option set in the options setup section. |
JSON or XML encoded nulti-dimentional array containing users following fields:
user_id | Internal ServiceView reference to the user |
username | Username |
name | Name |
email_address | Email Address |
mobile_no | Mobile Number |
local_password | Has user got a local password (yes/no) |
The HTTP request can either be sent using a HTTP GET or POST request.