Calendar events can be injected into the ServiceView database using an HTTP POST:
<service_code> | The unique code associated with each service entered from the add or edit service dialog. |
<service_id> | The ServiceView service_id for this service. Either specify servie_code or service_id. |
<start>> | Date and time the event started format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
<end> | Date and time the event ended format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
<title> | The event title. |
<description>> | The event description. |
<service_availability> | Service availability code, possible values are:
<event_group_id> | Possible values are:
<event_status_id> | Possible values are:
<secret> | The value of the SECRET option set in the options setup section. |
The HTTP request can either be sent using a HTTP GET or POST request. Given the description section may be long a HTTP POST is recommended.